The Comprehensive Learner Record Standard Helps Learners Succeed Today and Prepare for their Future SmartResume is the first to earn both Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) and Data Privacy Certification by the IMS Global Learning Consortium
The Comprehensive Learner Record Standard Helps Learners Succeed Today and Prepare for their Future SmartResume is the first to earn both Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) and Data Privacy Certification by the IMS Global Learning Consortium
Forge Institute trainees to receive certified digital resumes through partnership with SmartResume® Forge Institute has partnered with SmartResume®, a provider of certified resumes, to provide all Forge Institute trainees with a free SmartResume® profile to enhance professional visibility to authenticated Forge Institute cybersecurity trainees.
“The University of Arkansas and Shorter College are among those who will be helping to reskill individuals who have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. They may have lost their jobs, are incarcerated or simply lost the opportunity to further their education. In Arkansas, those individuals are being given new hope and a chance to pursue jobs that are in demand.
University of Arkansas Press Release: FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas will partner with state government, Shorter College and a private company to identify Arkansans hit hardest by the economic impact of COVID-19 and to provide job training and opportunities.
From MIT Sloan Management Review: “The SmartResume job platform from iDatafy, which matches candidates with verified credentials to hiring organizations, is an example of a single-entity neutral facilitator. Issuers such as universities and trade schools secure an individual’s credentials on the blockchain-enabled platform.
In Blockchain Foundations: For the Internet of Value, author Mary C. Lacity highlights the value of blockchain for business applications. SmartResume®, the world’s first certified job talent platform, receives recognition for its innovative use of blockchain technology to certify an individual’s educational achievements and connect with employers.
UA System Press Release: LITTLE ROCK (March 19, 2020) — Six institutions within the University of Arkansas System are now issuing certified SmartResumes® as part of a statewide pilot initiative designed to better connect students and alumni with employment opportunities and help promote economic development and more efficient business practices.
University of Arkansas Walton College Press Release: U of A Partners with Blockchain Company for Innovative Resume-Building Program The University of Arkansas recently collaborated with Arkansas-based blockchain company iDatafy to implement a new resume-building program for students.
In a case study by Mary Lacity, Director of the Blockchain Center of Excellence for the University of Arkansas, SmartResume®is described as “a trusted platform for talent acquisition based on verified credentials that are secured with blockchain technology.”